Natural Health Products

Oil of Oregano

Oregano has a very ancient medical reputation. The Egyptians and Babylonians used oregano as far back as 3000 BC. The Greek physicians Hippocrates and Dioscorides both prescribed the use of oregano for a myriad of conditions. Hippocrates used it for respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders, wounds and insect bites. Dioscorides recommended oregano for cough and lung congestion, earache, inflamed tonsils, skin conditions and sprains. Throughout the middle ages, the medicinal properties of oregano and its essential oil spread quickly. Every living plant contains phytochemicals, or plant-based chemicals and they all have different effects in our body. One of the compounds found in Oregano is Carvacrol, and it is responsible for fighting infections.

Our daughter, Arissa, has been fighting cold and cough infections since February this year and one of her infections lasted 4 weeks. As soon as she felt better another infection would start! We were at our wits end. One of our distributors who supplies us with homeopathic products recommended oregano oil from a company called, Joy of the Mountains. Just a few weeks ago, Arissa was suffering from another cold and cough when we decided to add 1 to 3 drops of oregano oil to a glass of juice and got her to drink it at least twice a day. In 3 days her cough disappeared! WOW! Usually it would last 2 weeks!

We were convinced and we now have it available at Shanti Wellness Centre! Remember, it has antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties so it can be used for a variety of symptoms.

With each purchase of oregano oil, you will also receive Tracy Gibbs, Ph.D. book: Your Guide to Oil of Oregano – Better Health for People & Pets.

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